How Knowing Your WHY can be the Key to Getting Out of Debt

Whether you’re paying off debt or saving, you’ve likely found it difficult to keep your motivation up. The first few weeks go great, you’re telling your money where to go and you have a strong sense of your goals.  But after you see those shoes you’ve had your eye on for the past three months show up on your Facebook timeline for what you swear is the 50th time, you start to think,

“This is taking SO long!”,

“Will I EVER be done with this debt?!”,

“Maybe I should accept that this (being debt free, putting a large down payment on a house, whatever it is) isn’t for me”,

“How come everyone else can buy whatever they want and I can’t?!”.

WHOA, buddy! Take a deep breath, and don’t give up quite yet!

What can make or break you in these moments is knowing and being confident in WHY you’re doing this.  You aren’t just tackling your financial goals for fun (maybe you are… but that’s a lot of work!). You’re tackling them so that you can live the life you’ve always dreamed and imagined. You know, the life where you aren’t working 50+ hours a week to make ends meet? You can always work 50 hours a week, but let that be on your own terms ;)

So start thinking of the REAL reasons why you are paying saving or paying off debt. I mean those BIG reasons. Do you want to stay home with your kids someday? Do you want to own your own business? Do you want to be able to retire your parents? Do you want to go on annual vacations worry-free? Do you want to buy those shoes you’ve been looking at for three months?  

Whatever your “why” is, KNOW IT!

Write it down, tape it to your mirror, set it as a daily alarm on your phone, add it to your daily affirmations, whatever it takes! Knowing your “why” will make sticking to your financial goals feel much more rewarding, even in the day to day times when it feels never ending.

What is YOUR why?!