Money Affirmations: Stepping Into Your Power


Feeling unsure? I was too

Not going to lie, I’ve definitely been one to roll my eyes and think “WTF” when someone posts about affirmations or manifestation when it comes to literally anything (especially money). 

What if I told you that affirmations really can work if you let them? That if you get over the “woo-woo”-ness of it all and allow yourself to say “shit, it’s not going to hurt me so what’s the harm?”, you’ll (likely) find your mind blown. 

What are affirmations

Positive affirmations, aka money mantras, are more than chants you do while holding your crystals. Affirmations or money mantras are words or phrases that you say to adjust your mindset around money into becoming a more positive one. 

Why should you use affirmations

Why is this necessary? We all grow up with thoughts, beliefs, and experiences around money. For many of us, the thought or belief that money is scarce (or insert any negative money thought there) wasn’t so much a thought as it was a simple fact. These thoughts or beliefs, whether true or untrue, lead us to believe particular things about money as we grow older and become independent.

Affirmations and money mantras are a way of shifting your mindset to believe more positive (and true!) things about money. 

When to use them

Affirmations can be used at various points throughout your day and week. Personally, I’ve found them to be beneficial in the morning as I wake up, and then periodically throughout my day. I actually set alarms on my phone with the affirmations in the notes so that I remember and can’t skip out! 

Other ideas include writing the affirmation on a post-it note and taping it to your mirror or outside of your laptop, somewhere where you’ll see it often. 

When reciting your affirmations, say them out loud. Saying them out loud and not just in your head is a great way for them to stick with you and become more ingrained in your mind. 

Examples of affirmations

Here are a handful of my favorite:

  • Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways

  • I am worthy of making more money

  • Money expands my life’s opportunities and experiences

  • I use money to help others

  • Money is a source of good things in my life and in the lives of those I love

  • I am worthy of financial security and freedom

  • I acknowledge that money is a valuable part of leading a secure life

  • Money comes to me easily and effortlessly

  • I am financially free (this affirmation focuses on something that you are working towards, however by saying it in the present tense you are convincing yourself that it is already true)

  • I embrace new avenues of income


Positive money affirmations, or money mantras, are a great exercise and habit to start cultivating a more positive mindset around money. I dare you to give it a shot, even if something like this seems a bit foreign to you. Pick one or two affirmations above, and either set alarms on your phone or write them on a post-it note. Choose several times a day to recite the affirmation out loud. This helps promote a more positive mindset and relationship with money, and encourages your brain to hold onto information for longer. 

Do you already practice affirmations in your day to day life? I’d love to hear your favorite affirmation!